Step 1: Create a New Account
Enter the following link: Sungrow Global Service Platform
Fill in the required information and verify your email address, by introducing the verification code.
Step 2: Log into GSP
If you are a new registered account, the platform will ask you to update your password. Please reset it.
Step 3: Create a ticket
On the right of the screen, click on "Create Service Ticket".
Fill in the Ticket information:
Service type: select the type of service that best suits your circumstances.
Fill in the Product Serial Number, Description and Quantity.
Include the project´s address.
Note that if the delivery address differs from the project´s address, it should be notified to SG prior to delivery for spare part replacement.
Detailed description: please be concrete and detail the reason for the ticket to better solve the issue.
Attach images, documetns and reports to fasten the service process.
Verify the information and, submit your ticket!
Step 4: Confirm and follow up your ticket
Check on your email address the you have received a ticket confirmation from [email protected]
You are able to check the status on your homepage.