When upgrading or expanding the existing PV System, there exist the option to add up more panels, and also energy storage (BESS). Therefore, a hybrid inverter is now needed to connect the Battery Pack to the household. This can be easily shown in the Figure below.
Note that the PV Inverter in Fig. 1.1 should be 3-phase PV grid-connected inverter.
The SH15-25T series offers retrofit option for On-grid Port to Retrofit the Existing PV System, where the AC terminal of the existing PV grid inverter is connected in parallel to the Grid terminal of the Hybrid.
As shown in Fig.1.2, The PV modules to the hybrid are optional. The generated energy is regulated by the SHxxT hybrid, and a dual-channel Smart Energy Meter DTSU666-20 with external CTs must be used for 3rd party system retrofit, to ensure correct energy flow and zero-export.
Through iSolarCloud website: remote setting
After logging with your account, select on the left bar "Settings", and then inside this tab, select the plant and click on "Advanced Settings". Note that the Initial Grid should have been Already set.
2. Inside Advanced settings, go to "Power Control" tab, as is shown in Fig.3:
2.1. Set parameter 22- Feed in limitation.
2.2. Set parameters 23-1 and 23-2 Feed-in Limitation Value (kW) and Feed-in Limitation Ratio (%)
2.3. Set parameter 24- Rated Power of Original Power Generation Systems (kW).
Apply settings.
Special attention: when operating without PV modules on the hybrid inverter:
If only the PV inverter and not the hybrid inverter is connected to the PV modules, parameter 21- Installed PV power must be set to 0.
2. The communication of the smart meter must be connected to the Hybrid inverter.
To prevent the battery from discharging completely in self-consumption mode,
3. Activate Forced Charging in the "Energy Management Parameters" tab under "Common Parameter Settings".
4. Set the corresponding charging days and charging time here, as well as the charging target (SOC). These result from the requirements of the customer. as is show in Fig.4.
To finalize and confirm these adjustments, remember to apply the settings.
For further information, please download the user manual here.
This manual is intended for professional technicians who are responsible for installation, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of inverters, and users who need to check inverter parameters. The inverter must only be installed by professional technicians.
The professional technician is required to meet the following requirements:
Know electronic, electrical wiring and mechanical expertise, and be familiar with electrical and mechanical schematics.
Have received professional training related to the installation, commissioning and troubleshooting of electrical equipment.
Be able to quickly respond to hazards or emergencies that occur during installation, commissioning and troubleshooting.
Be familiar with local standards and relevant safety regulations of electrical systems.
Read this manual thoroughly and understand the safety instructions related to operations.