Inverter overcurrent hardware fault (Code 100)
Fault name | Inverter overcurrent hardware fault (fault code: 100) |
Fault type | Fault |
Fault condition | Inverter current is higher than hardware protection value |
Steps and methods of troubleshooting | The reason is generally that the power grid has abnormal fluctuations. If this problem occurs, it is necessary to download the fault recording and provide it to SUNGROW technical support for further analysis. |
Ground wire fault (Code 106)
Fault name | Ground wire fault (fault code: 106) |
Fault type | Malfunction |
Fault condition | When the inverter is in operation, if the neutral-to-ground voltage rises above 45V for 1s, a fault is reported, that is, a short circuit or low resistance occurs between the live wire and the ground. |
Steps and method of troubleshooting | 1. Check whether the ground wire is connected or connected securely. 2. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage to ground of the phases respectively. 3. Use an insulation resistance tester to test the phase-to-ground insulation. 4. If all values are normal, cut off and restart the DC-power. |
For further information, please download the user manual here.
This manual is intended for professional technicians who are responsible for installation, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of inverters, and users who need to check inverter parameters. The inverter must only be installed by professional technicians.
The professional technician is required to meet the following requirements:
Know electronic, electrical wiring and mechanical expertise, and be familiar with electrical and mechanical schematics.
Have received professional training related to the installation, commissioning and troubleshooting of electrical equipment.
Be able to quickly respond to hazards or emergencies that occur during installation, commissioning and troubleshooting.
Be familiar with local standards and relevant safety regulations of electrical systems.
Read this manual thoroughly and understand the safety instructions related to operations.